Health Registry
Results from health testing can be found on the Kennel Club's Website, Please click the My KC logo to take you to the site. Further information regarding the different health tests are found below:
Hip Scoring for Hip Dysplasia
The scores shown are one for each hip and then the combined total. The range is from 0 to 106 (0 being the best score and 106 being the worst)
JDCM - Juvenile Dilated Cardiomyopathy
There is a gene marker test available at University of Pennsylvania USA ( and test results are published as :- 1-1 probable normal and 1-2 probable carrier. PennGen is a genetic testing facility operated through the Section of Medical Genetics at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Veterinary Medicine. It is a collection of laboratories that coordinate as a not-for-profit unit, offering routine testing for a variety of genetic diseases, metabolic screening for inborn errors of metabolism, and a number of other diagnostic genetic services.
PRA (prcd) Progressive Retinal Atrophy (progressive rod cone degeneration or disease) DNA mutation gene test to identify dogs that either carry the gene (carriers) do not carry the gene (clear) or affected by the condition (affected). Mode of inheritance is Autosomal recessive.
Early Onset Progressive Retinal Atrophy mutation based test:
A DNA-based test has been developed to target the mutation responsible for Early Onset PRA (EOPRA) in the Portuguese Water Dog. The EOPRA test can be used to determine the genetic status of a dog in respect to the mutation and to make informed decisions about mating options to prevent the occurrence of this undesirable blinding disorder in progeny.
Further information:
The DNA-based EOPRA test allows genotype determination of a tested dog as being:
NORMAL - the dog has two copies of the normal gene and it is not going to develop Early Onset PRA caused by the EOPRA mutation.
CARRIER - the dog has one copy of the normal gene and one copy of the EOPRA mutation. The dog will not develop clinical signs of Early Onset PRA due to the EOPRA mutation but it will transmit one of the EOPRA mutation to about 50% of its progeny.
AFFECTED - the dog has two copies of the EOPRA mutation and is expected to develop/is already showing symptoms of the Progressive Retinal Degeneration caused by the EOPRA mutation.
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